
Ezra Parker Chapter, NSDAR, is proud to honor Sergeant Ezra Parker, Private Elijah Drake, Soldier Walter Blount, Private Silas Sprague, and Private Samuel Niles as chapter Patriots. We honor and remember these brave souls every Memorial Day with a special ceremony at each of their graves. We also honor and remember Hannah Wentworth Chase, Lydia Gilbert Parker Bull, and Abigail Stoddard Drake. Hannah was the daughter of American Revolutionary War Patriot James Wentworth. Lydia was the daughter of American Revolutionary War Lieutenant Asher Bull, and the daughter-in-law of Sergeant Ezra Parker. Abigail was the daughter of American Revolutionary War Patriot Thomas Stoddard and the wife of American Revolutionary War Patriot Private Elijah Drake.

Chapter members have verified lines to the below listed American Revolutionary War Patriots.

Jeduthan Abbey, CT, SGT
Noah Allen, MA, MAJ
David Ames, CT, SOL

John Bagnall, SC, SOL, CS
John Baldwin, MD, PVT
William Banks, Sr., MA, CS
Joseph Barker, VT, PVT
Abraham Bennett, NJ, CAPT, PS
Thomas Biddle, NC, CAPT
Daniel Bill, NC, PS
Timothy Bishop, NC, ENS
Robert Blackburn, NC, PS, CS
Walter Blount, CT, SOL
Jabin Bosworth, NY, PVT
George Michael Bowers, PA, PS
Cyrus Broyles, VA, PS
Jarathmell Bryant, MA, LT
James Buckley, Jr., VA, SGT
Ichabod Burdick, RI, CAPT
Jonathan Burdick, RI, PS
Aaron Bush, CT, CS

James Campbell, MA, LT
Berry Cawood, VA & NC, PVT
John Cessna, PA, MAJ, PS, CS
Thomas Chaffee, CT, CS
Uzel Clark, CT, PVT
Ebenezer Cobb, MA, CS
Jeremiah Colburn, MA, LT
Abraham Cole, MD, LT, PS
Abraham Collett, NC, PS
Isaac Collett, NC, PS
Shubel Cook, CT, PVT
Jacob Corson, NJ, PVT
Parmenas Corson, NJ, PS
William Cowing, PA, LT
Isaac Cushman, PA, SGT, PS

Jacobus Davis, NY, PVT
Samuel Davis, NY, PS
Jeremiah Day, NJ, PVT
Richard Deming, CT, PVT
Amos Dorman, CT, CPL
Aaron Dow, MA, PVT
Samuel Downing, NH, PVT
Oliver Drake, PA, CAPT
Job Drew, MA, SGT

Henry Earnest, NC, CS
John Ebaugh, PA, PVT
Judah Eldredge, MA, CPL

Godfrey Felker (Voelker), PA, PS
Conrad Fry, PA, PVT, PS
John Fry, PA, PS

William Gee, NY, MAJ
Joseph Gibbons, Jr., PA, PS

Matthias Halfhill (Halberg), PA, PS
Samuel Hall, CT, CS, PS
John Hampton, VA, PS
Perry Harding, MA, PVT
Elisha Harrell, NC, PS
John Hart, NJ, PS, SDI
Joseph Hartwell, MA, PVT
Ebenezer Hathaway, CT, SGT
John Haveracker, PA, PS
George Head, NY, CAPT
Jacob Hedrick, PA, PVT
George Hempleman, PA, PVT
Nathan Herrick, CT, CS
Nathan Hibbard, CT, PS
Adam Hickman, VA, PVT
Israel Hill, MA, PVT
Adkinson Hilton, CT, CORP
Martin Holcomb, CT, LT
Jan Casparse Hollenbeck, NY, PS
William Hood, PA, PVT
Jacob Hooper, MD, PVT
Samuel Hopson, CT, ENS

Elisha Jones, VA, PVT
Stephen Jones, VA, CAPT
Thomas Jones, MD, PVT
Isaac Judson, Sr, CT, PS
James Judson, CT, CAPT
Nehemiah Judson, CT, PVT

Peter Keator, NY, PS
John Keithley, NC, PS
Jonathan Kellogg, CT, PVT
George Kimmel, PA, PVT
Amos Kinglsey, MA, PVT
Salmon Kinglsey, Sr., CT, SOL, PS
Daniel Kinsman, MA, SGT
Robert Kirkbride, PA, PS
Daniel Klingensmith, PA, PVT
Joseph Klock, NY, PVT
Seth Knowles, Sr., MA, PS, CS
John Knowlton, MA, PVT
Stephen Knowlton, Sr., CT, PS, CS
John Knox, MA, CS, PS
Ludwig Kornman, PA, PVT
Henry Kreglow, PA, CAPT, PS
William Krom, NY, PS
Hendrick W Krom, NY, PVT

Abraham Lacey, NJ, PVT
Elkanah Lane, Sr., NH, SOL
John/Johannes Lewis, NY, SOL
Joseph Little, VT, LT, PS
Nathaniel Loring, MA, LT
Ebenezer Lothrop, Sr., CT, PS

John Malick, NJ, SGT, PS
Thomas Mansfield, MD, PVT Marines
John Marsh, Jr., MA, SOL, PS
Azariah Mather, CT, PS
James McDavid, SC, PVT
Conley McFadden, PA & NJ, PVT
John McSpadden, NC, PS
Henry McWhorter, NJ/NY/PA, PVT
Philip Mertz, PA, LT
Jedidiah Millard, NY, PVT
Alexander Montgomery, VA, LT, CS
Francis Moore, VA, PS, CS
Thomas Mount, NJ, PS
Joseph Moxley, CT, PVT

John Neal, MD, SGT
Francis Nichols, NH, PVT
Daniel Northrop, VA, PS

William Orr, PA, PVT

John Palm, PA, PS
Jacob Parker, PA, PVT
Joshua Parker, MA, CAPT
Reuben Perkins, Jr., CT, PVT
Reuben Perkins, Sr., CT, PS, CS
Edward Pettengill, MA, PVT
Somers Pettengill, Sr., MA, PVT
Bennett Phillips, NC, PVT
Solomon Pierce, MA, LT
John Polhemus, NJ, PS, MAJ
Johann Nicholas Pope, PA, PS
Maria Catharine Lazarus Pope, PA, PS
John Potter, NJ, CAPT
Miles Powell, MA, LTCOL, CS, PS

Francis Ranney, CT, CS, PS
George Ranney, CT, CS, PS
John Rearick, PA, PVT
Jonathan Reed, MA, CS
Mathias Ridenour, MD, PS
Garret Rittenhouse, PA, PVT
Alexander Robb, NH, CAPT
Edward Robinson, Jr., VA, SOL
William Rose, NC, ENS
Jacob Runkle, PA, PS
Timothy Russ, CT, PS, CS
Andrew Russell, PA, PS

George Shofner, NC, SOL
Michael Shofner, Sr., NC, PS
Jacob Siler, VA, PS
James Simms, Sr., MD, PS
Thomas Simms, MD, PS
Jonathan Simpson, MA, CS
Catherine Smith, PA, PS
Charles Smith, VA, PVT
Charles Spooner, RI, LT
Johannes Spoor, NY, PVT
Nathaniel Staples, MA, PVT
Samuel Stearns, MA, PVT
John Strain, NC, PVT
William Swanton, MA, PS
Thomas Swearingen, MD, PVT, PS

Caleb Thayer, NH, PVT
Robert Thomas, VA, CAPT
William Thomas, VA, LT
Caleb Thompson, Sr., MA, CS, PS
William Thompson, MA, LT
Joel Thorp, CT, PVT
Leonard Timmerman (Zimmerman), PA, LT
Isaac Tower, MA, SGT
John Trott, MA, SGT
William Tucker, MD, PS, CORP

Peter Vail, NY, PS
Lambaert Van Alstyne, NY, PS
Isaac Van Bibber, VA, PVT
Gosen Van Buren, NY, LT
Jacob Van Meter, VA, CAPT
Henry Verner, PA, PVT
Daniel Vliet, Sr., NJ, CAPT
William Vliet, NJ, PVT
Godfrey (Felker) Voelker, PA, PS

Casper Wait/e, PA, PVT
Ebenezer Wallace, MA, PVT
Martin Weigle, PA, PVT
Reuben Wellman, NH, PVT, PS
Phineas Wells, PA, PVT
Gideon Westbrook, NY, PVT
Abraham Wheeler, NH, CS, PS
Zadock Wheeler, NH, SGT
George Wiant, PA, PVT
Alden Williamson, VA, PVT
Francis Winter, MA, CHAPLAIN
Benjamin Wolcott, NJ, PS
Jacob Wolcott, NJ, LT, PS
John Wiilfkill, PA, PVT

Daniel Yantis, PA, PS

Leonard (Timmerman) Zimmerman, PA, LT

CAPT = Captain
CORP = Corporal
CS = Civil Service
ENS = Ensign

LT = Lieutenant
2LT = 2nd Lieutenant
LTCOL = Lieutenant Colonel
MAJ = Major

MM = Minute Man
PS = Patriotic Service
PVT = Private
SGT = Sergeant

SOL = Soldier
SDI = Signer of the Declaration of Independence
VOL = Volunteer
WGNR = Wagoner

CT = Connecticut
DE = Delaware
GA = Georgia

MD = Maryland
MA = Massachusetts
NH = New Hampshire

NJ = New Jersey
NY = New York
NC = North Carolina

PA = Pennsylvania
RI - Rhode Island
SC = South Carolina
VA = Virginia

If you are interested in our organization, please contact the chapter for membership information.

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